Self-Care Ideas

Self-care has become so common that it has almost lost its significance. (Thank you, advertisers.) But, at their foundation, the finest self-care ideas all revolve around stepping away from your daily obligations to ensure that you — your soul, body, and heart — have everything you need to face another day. When your usual stress-relieving activities, such as talking with friends or testing a new DIY face mask, are not doing enough, resort to a decent self-care regimen. Are you having trouble finding pleasure in the things that made you happy? That’s an indication you’re in desperate need of some self-care.

Best Self Care Books 2023

Of course, reading several of the most beneficial books about self-care is always a good place to start, but when it refers to the finest self-care ideas to practice at home, simply focus on the following stress-reduction tactics to get your mental health back on course and see things from a different perspective. These (completely free!) strategies were advised by psychologists and scientifically validated, so you can be assured that they are tried-and-true methods that work. Although self-care is a never-ending process, the following activities you can perform on your own can help you become more resilient, calm, and designed to tackle whatever life can throw at you.

Here are the finest self-care methods and exercises to have in your backpack when things are really bad, whether you name it me-time, self-care, or “break glass in the event of an emergency.”

Check To See If You’re Fulfilling Your Essential Needs

Safety needs, physical needs, belonging and love, dignity, and self-actualization are all part of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which he postulated in 1943.

While it’s tempting to think of self-care as doing something you want to do, indulging in an overwhelming urge that comes from anxiety or depression generally just helps to reinforce the feeling it came from.  Maslow’s hierarchy can help you when you are feeling stressed and don’t know how to take care of yourself.

Are you getting enough food, water, and sleep? Start there if you haven’t already. Check on what choices are available to you for greater protection if it is difficult for you to feel protected, particularly when it comes to income or housing. Run an assessment of who you can seek out for connectedness or what you can do to form new relationships for belonging and love, according to Koerwer. Spend some time doing something which helps you feel accomplished, such as a favorite food if you are a chef or time playing a musical instrument if you are a musician, to boost your self-esteem. Finally, when it comes to self-actualization, take some time to consider your principles, aspirations, and the measures you may take to achieve them.

Get Up And Move.

Among the most efficient ways to relieve stress is to move your body. For one, exercise helps to divert your attention away from problems—difficult it’s to concentrate on daily worries while hyperventilating up a mountain, for instance. As per the Mayo Clinic, it also increases endorphins, the magical chemicals responsible for the “runner’s high.”

However, you might not have to run to realize the rewards of exercise, and you are best off beginning with a quick walk or any other sport you like rather than, say, running a marathon. Get active, whether it’s kicking a ball around, dancing, hula hooping, or any other exercise!

Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

Again, basic but crucial, one of the more straightforward self-care tips that are critical for conquering your day forward is mastering your sleeping habits.

Don’t let one of the most vital factors you can do for your wellness slip through your fingers! Sleep deprivation has been linked to a higher risk of heart problems, diabetes, obesity, and stroke. So make sure you’ve got enough rest—and if you are not, do not feel awful about taking a little cat nap.

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our self-care; it’s free, but the advantages are immeasurable. The quality of proper sleep is more essential than quantity and difficult sleep can be related to a busy and thinking mind while still asleep.


The phrase “laughing is the best medicine” isn’t merely a catchphrase. It has the ability to instantly improve your mood. Enjoy the first and last laugh by watching a funny movie, stand-up comedian, or TV show.

Try A Weighted Blanket (Or A Good Hug).

Hugs are excellent for your health. It is claimed that the hard, steady pressure of a hug might effectively soothe an overworked sympathetic nervous system.

Weighted blankets can provide similar benefits if you aren’t in a position where you can comfortably receive a hug. As per the Mayo Clinic, studies investigating the impact of weighted blankets are currently limited, however, some small studies have found that they help other people sleep much better. Concannon recommends buying a top-rated weighted blanket or making your own with beads or poly pellets.

Try Meditation.

Home meditation, which is simply focusing your concentration on the present moment, has a slew of advantages. Even 5 minutes of mindful practice each day can help with diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

As per the Cleveland Clinic, there are numerous different types of meditation, including concentration meditation, mantra meditation, and mindfulness meditation, all of which can lead to deep relaxation. Guided meditations, such as those provided by the top meditation apps, are an excellent place to begin.

Direct Your Attention To Your Breathing.

If meditation appears to be too difficult, concentrate solely on your breath.  As per Harvard Medical School, concentrating on our breathing can help us lower our blood pressure and heart rate. Take 5-7 minutes to do breathing exercises that extend your exhale, according to Sell. Breathe2Relax, a breathing app, can assist. Sell suggests practicing it when you are not worried so that the body learns what to do when it is time for some self-care.

Take A Break

The smartest thing you can do when your body is telling you it has given everything it has is to listen. Encourage yourself to rest and unwind by taking a nap. When you wake up, you will be shocked at how amazing you feel physically and mentally.

Get Out Of The House

The International Journal of Environmental Health Research conducted research in 2019 that monitored 94 adults who went to 1 of 3 urban parks. The members were provided activity trackers but were not instructed how long they should remain or what they should do while at the park before being queried about their health. Over half of respondents increased their well-being scores, some who did not exercise.

Go to your local green areas or other recreational places the next time you are feeling overwhelmed and just… hang out.

Don’t Forget To Spend Time With Your Dog

Tasha Holland-Kornegay, LPC and CEO of, recommend spending some time with man’s best buddy.  Spending time with animals lowers cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes happiness.” Pets can also help people be more conscious, as per the National Institutes of Health.

Set A Date For Worrying

Annie Miller, MSW, LCSW-C, LICSW, a therapist near Washington, D.C., advised on Woman’s Day, “I like to suggest that clients ‘schedule worry time’ and practice consistently making a specific time each day to let yourself worry, plan, and watch the news.”

Throughout this time, you might develop a list of any concerns you have and devise a strategy for dealing with them. You will be willing to put aside time to come to terms with what’s upsetting you, instead of having a low-level set of anxieties follow you about all day. Miller further explained that s Scheduling concerns time in this way teaches your minds to work about hard challenges in a controlled environment.

You should keep your allotted worry time separate from your bedtime, and you should practice retraining your brain if it begins to fret outside of your regular period. Presumably, this will lead to a reduction in stress levels over time.

Take Up A New Interest, Such As Baking.

Some self-care activists emphasize that cooking does not have to be a hurried process or something that you do on autopilot. Mindfully preparing dishes with surplus ingredients is a great way to engage in your own self-care without spending a lot of money. The time in the kitchen may be utilized to relax, settle your thoughts, and even learn new skills and abilities at the same time.

As per the Headspace executive, baking or cooking are stabilizing, therapeutic approaches because the sensual and absorbing quality of the activity helps us stay fully present in the present moment. Repetitive movements and tasks, like mixing, cutting, or weighing, might provide you with a focal point to focus on, permitting anxious ideas to leave your mind.

Listen To An Audiobook

Allow your ears to do the work instead of your eyes. Put on your most comfortable clothes, sit on the couch with a comforter and a cup of coffee, and listen to an old audiobook. Most people admit that it will be hard to sit doing nothing for 30 minutes, but that your body and mind will appreciate you later. It is often emphasized to remember that you don’t have to do something every waking moment.

Improve Your Positive Thinking Skills

Our brains are geared to defend us from harm and have an innate negativity bias, so we are more drawn to worrying information, Miller reiterates. To put it another way, it’s far easier to focus on all of the stuff that is going wrong than it is to remember all of the activities that are happening right.

Bring about positive things to concentrate on to counteract that natural tendency. As per the Mayo Clinic, those who reflect more optimistically live longer, have lower incidences of depression, and have improved cardiovascular health. It’s unclear why, but it’s possible that being able to think positively aids in your recovery from stressful events, reducing the duration and impact of stress.

Disconnect From Your Phone

Your phone may drain a lot of time and effort from you, whether you recognize it or not. It’s exhausting to have social media, email, news apps, Slack, and other applications at your disposal. Turn off your cellphone for a while and focus on yourself. Even an hour away from your phone’s temptations can be liberating.

Reduce Your Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine can make you feel like you’re always “on” and unable to unwind. When it comes to self-care, rest is frequently what we want.

Check if you can lessen the quantity of alcohol you consume. Caffeine is most readily and abundantly available in coffee, but it may creep up on people in places they would not really think, as explained by Brittany Ferri, OTR/L, CPRP, a certified psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner, licensed occupational therapist, and professional trauma specialist on Woman’s Day. Going cold turkey can be difficult if you already consume a lot of caffeine, she says. Instead, make an effort to reduce your spending.

Sit In Complete Silence

When we live in the world of perpetual noise, finding a calm moment is difficult. Let yourself sit in solitude and absorb the serenity of the moment by quieting your brain and those anxious thoughts. When you embrace quiet, even if just for a while, it may be a gratifying element of self-care of becoming aware of your surroundings and thoughts.

Get Involved In A Support Group

It can be extremely alienating to feel alone in your sentiments or to have no one to talk to about them. Support services might provide a welcome break. Talking with others who are dealing with similar issues can help you work through your own difficulties or learn more about what you’re dealing with,” Ferri says.

Look into support networks or free online peer support like Daily Strength, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America’s anonymous support group, or Turn2Me. 

Balance The Sugar In Your Blood

As per Mayo Clinic, your diet can have a significant impact on how agitated you feel. You might want to adjust your plan if you begin your day with sweets or other simple sugar. “Protein helps to stabilize your blood sugar,” Sell describes the balance of sugar and protein. When your blood glucose levels swing too far on one side or the other, your stress reaction kicks in. Eating a small amount of protein three to four times a day can assist to balance things out. Complex carbs can also aid and may even boost serotonin levels in the brain.

Write A Gratitude List

Writing a thankfulness diary is one of the finest ways science has found to reduce anxiety and sadness while also improving your overall well-being. About two hundred undergraduate participants penned a few phrases every week in a research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2003. The control group reported the things that angered them, the second group wrote about benign events, and the third group wrote about things they were glad for. People who wrote down what they were thankful for said they felt more positive, exercised more, and had fewer physical complaints.

Prior to going to bed, note down a few things you are thankful for from the previous day as an experiment. These can be as broad as your children, friendship, or love or as particular as the egg sandwich you had for morning or the nasty new phone cover you just bought.  With time, you should begin to notice a shift in your attitude toward the positive.

Take Part In Activities With Friends

Face-to-face interaction with friends, as per Psychology Today, can lower the risk of depression. Scheduling a few meetings with pals has been shown to boost self-esteem and reduce stress.

Make A Fancy Dinner For Yourself

It’s typical for people to save expensive dinners for special events, such as birthdays or anniversaries. A lavish supper, on the other hand, can be beneficial on any given day. It is beneficial to your physical health to treat yourself to a delicious dinner. Furthermore, pampering yourself with a fine meal serves as a powerful message that you are deserving of special care.

Don’t Forget About The Budget

Emotions and wealth are inextricably linked. The way you manage money, in particular, can cause stress. Even if more money might cure many of your difficulties, understanding exactly how much money you have, the future costs, and making plans to improve your financial situation can help relieve some of the stress you’re experiencing.

Deactivate Social Media

Knowing how divided the human race may be on almost any topic under the sun, it appears that social media might be overbearing at times. A 2018 study discovered a link between regular social media usage loneliness. Social media has also been linked to poor sleep quality, anxiety, and depression.

When you stop comparing and judging yourself to social media timelines, disabling social media even for a few days can help you improve personal connections, sleep better, and feel much better regarding where you are in life.

Curate Social Media

Can’t face the thought of deleting your account? True, social media may be an effective tool. Rather than deactivating, you can ensure that your mental health is protected by only reading good and inspiring social media content. Only follow accounts that offer value to your day, and unfollow those who seem to detract from it or make you feel horrible.

Practice Journaling

Self-reflection is an important aspect of self-care that may be easily accomplished through writing. Take 5 minutes every day to reflect on your day’s ups and downs. This may help you recognize those minor victories, as well as your genuine feelings in specific situations and areas where you need to improve.